Upcoming Event – Data Seminar for HR: Future Skills in Demand for AI Augmented Workplace

Home / Upcoming Event – Data Seminar for HR: Future Skills in Demand for AI Augmented Workplace
Upcoming Event – Data Seminar for HR: Future Skills in Demand for AI Augmented Workplace

The investment in AI is growing fast in enterprises today to leverage powerful tools from Generative AI such as ChatGPT. AI has a significant change impact on how work gets done. HR has a leading role to support organizations on culture and people to rethink job design and skill requirements with AI adoption. Traditional skill development models must catch up with the latest AI Technology trend. In this seminar, the audience will share perspectives from our AI technology and HR experts on what kind of talent or future skills are high priority for companies to harness AI development.

DaLa is pleased to co-organise this data seminar with OpenCertHub Academy, a professional in data culture change and future skills. We are also delighted to have [HKIHRM] Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management as the supporting organisation.

More information about this seminar will be coming soon, STAY TUNED!

Date: 5 Oct 2023 (Thur)

Time: 14:30 – 16:30

Venue: The Community Lab, 24/F Lee Garden Five,18 Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, HK

Language: Cantonese

Free Registration Now:


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