07/04/202408/04/2024新城財經台 – 財智雙打 : AI應用如何走入尋平常百姓家by dlahkin Events, Media, Past Events 很開心我們創會主席湛家揚 博士 Dr. Toa CHARM 獲新城財經台魏美珍邀請出席其節目【財智雙打】並擔任節目嘉賓,與胡孟青探討「AI應用如何走入尋平常百姓家」 同時,亦大談近年出現的「hashtag#AI復活故人」服務,涉及多大商機與爭議。深思人類應如何運用AI,讓相關技術在保障人類價值和尊嚴的界限内規範發展。 想知更多節目內容,請即收聽以下重播。 For those interested, please find the replay of the program in here: https://dalahk.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Metro-Radio_Apr-7_session-1-mp3cut.net_.mp3 https://dalahk.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Metro-Radio_Apr-7_-session-2-mp3cut.net_.mp3 財智雙打 主持:胡孟青, 魏美珍 More info, pls visit dlahkWebsite | + postsHappy Birthday, DaLa! Happy 2 Years!Thank You for Joining Us at the DALA Awards 2024!DaLa is proud to be one of the strategic partners of HKSTP in driving innovation and enhancing the digital ecosystemAIOps Unleashed: Transforming IT Operations with AI